Оборудование для путей эвакуации
Компания Gotschlich предлагает уникальные решения для организации эвакуационных путей
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The Escape door can be pushed open in the exit direction in an emergency.
2-х штанговый турникет
компактного дизайна разработан для работы в условиях повышенной проходимости, для уличного монтажа на спортивных объектах, горнолыжных курортах, бассейнах и пляжах.
2-х штанговый турникет
компактного дизайна разработан для работы в условиях повышенной проходимости, для уличного монтажа на спортивных объектах, горнолыжных курортах, бассейнах и пляжах.
2-х штанговый турникет
компактного дизайна разработан для работы в условиях повышенной проходимости, для уличного монтажа на спортивных объектах, горнолыжных курортах, бассейнах и пляжах.
Portal turnstile, 120° separation with full-height motorized swing door
Especially well suited for outdoor plant access points.
Motorized gate, waist-high U-shaped bars with acrylic glass fill
Particularly suitable for supervised access to swimming pools, leisure facilities and plant security
Motorized gate, waist-high, U-shaped bar
Particularly suitable for supervised access to swimming pools, leisure facilities and plant security
Motorized gate, waist-high, glass panel
Especially suitable to provide access for strollers and wheelchairs at attended indoor entrances to recreation facilities and in architecturally sensitive buildings.
Motorized gate, waist-high U-shaped bars with acrylic glass fill
Especially suitable to provide access for strollers and wheelchairs at attended indoor and outdoor entrances to swimming and recreation facilities.
Motorized gate, waist-high, U-shaped bar
Especially suitable to provide access for strollers and wheelchairs at attended indoor and outdoor entrances to swimming and recreation facilities.
Mechanical swing gate, waist-high, U-shaped bar
Particularly suitable for one-way systems in shops, checkout areas and leisure facilities.
Mechanical swing gate, waist-high, U-shaped bar with acrylic glass fill
Particularly suitable for one-way systems in shops, checkout areas and leisure facilities.
Mechanical swing gate, waist-high, U-shaped bar with acrylic glass
Particularly suitable for one-way systems in shops, checkout areas and leisure facilities.
Reliable barrier in normal operation, completely open in case of problem
Portal turnstile with bars, 180° separation and integrated door in extended portal
GOTSCHLICH a turn to security |